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The Government and the Government Offices are following developments carefully and are in continuous contact with the responsible authorities. The Government’s work in response to the virus responsible for COVID-19; Article: COVID-19 Act allows stronger communicable disease control measures Insurance Underwriters. Insurance underwriters are professionals who are meant to determine potential client’s risk factors, evaluate and analyze risks of insuring people and assets and establish pricing for insuring the risks. One needs to have a bachelor’s degree like that in accounts, economics or commerce. Latest Government Jobs for B.Com aspirants, all recruitment notifications are available to Apply online Bachelor of Commerce based job vacancy details 2021. Free Job alerts for all upcoming B.Com vacancies information for various Government departments like Staff selection commission, India Railways, Postal Jobs, Public sector banks, PSU, Schools, Top 15 Highest Salary Jobs for Commerce Students.
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located within the Department of Commerce, is the Executive Branch agency If you meet these qualifications, please send your resume to: not discriminate in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (i
Other Government Jobs After B.Com. Other than the above-mentioned sectors, you can apply for the following jobs after completing your Bachelor’s in Commerce. 1. Jobs in Indian Railways After B.Com.