hydrogeological overview of the catchment area used by Kreuger et al. (1998, 1999) for a better understand-ing of the aquifer systems in the area, the groundwater flow direction and velocities. This is the first step in a larger investigation about sorption, degradation and movement patterns of pesticides in the aquifer system. 1.4 Aims
Development of numerical groundwater flow models. Prediction of mine dewatering rates and impacts, such as the extent of drawdown. Prediction of pore pressures and phreatic surfaces in highwalls during mining (e.g., as inputs for slope stability analyses) Prediction of the rate-of-formation of mine pit lakes.
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RULES The those for which forecasting and warning are easier to imple- Damaging Hydrogeological Events (DHEs) can be defined as ment (Yevjevich, 1992). Precipitation leading to major floods the occurrence of one or more simultaneous aforementioned usually takes one or more days to cause sufficient runoff phenomena causing damages. hydrogeological vulnerability cause of interactive elements complexity. This paper shows the initial phase of a wider research aimed to the definition of a criterion for the valuation of the qualitative and quantitative vulnerability of a road section to hydrogeological events. Damaging Hydrogeological Events (DHEs) are defined as the occurrence of one or more simultaneous aforementioned phenomena.
Damaging Hydrogeological Events (DHEs) are periods of severe weather conditions affecting wide areas for several days, and causing mainly damaging landslides and floods. In order to characterise the DHEs, we analysed the historical series of the events that affected a Mediterranean region (Calabria, southern Italy) throughout 92 years of observation.
RULES. Damaging hydrogeological events in Calabria (Italy): new results of an ongoing historical research Peter Wolf Early Career Virtual Event 2021 08 September 2021. Type: National Meeting.
A period of bad weather conditions due to prolonged intense rainfall and strong winds can trigger landslides, floods, secondary floods (accumulation of rain on surfaces with low permeability), and sea storms, causing damage to humans and infrastructure. As a whole, these periods of bad weather and triggered phenomena can be defined as damaging hydrogeological events (DHEs).
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Groundwater literature for the area is scarce and consists of a collection of borehole stratigraphies and a hydrogeological map at scale 1:50,000 (Yang et al., 2007). Emphasises the need for the Commission to call on the Member States to promote the reintroduction of environmentally-friendly agricultural activities in mountain areas to combat hydrogeological instability and to promote water regulation by reintroducing the good practices of creating ditches, drains and embankments, which make it possible, in the event of excessive rain, to reduce the
Aims The Hydrogeological Group is a specialist group of the Geological Society of London, which represents the science of hydrogeology and the hydrogeologists that practise that science. It currently has over 1,000 members, of which around 350 have already attained Chartered status.
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Damaging Hydrogeological Events (DHEs) are periods of severe weather conditions affecting wide areas for several days, and causing mainly damaging landslides and floods.
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Download PDF: Sorry, we are unable to provide the full text but you may find it at the following location(s): https://doi.org/10.7343/as-201 (external link) http
In order to characterise the DHEs, we analysed the historical series of the events that affected a Mediterranean region (Calabria, southern Italy) throughout 92 years of observation. Damaging Hydrogeological Events (DHEs) are periods of severe weather conditions affecting wide areas for several days, and causing mainly damaging landslides and floods. A damaging hydrogeological event (DHE) is characterized by two components: a rainfall event and a subsequent damage event, which is the result of floods and landslides triggered by rainfall. The characteristics of both events depend on climatic, geomorphological and anthropogenic factors.