Malin Parmar, professor i cellulär neurovetenskap, berättar om sin forskning kring hur stamceller kan leda till nya sätt att reparera hjärnan vid 


4 May 2018 Professor Malin Parmar from Lund University is renowned for her excellent work on generating iPS derived human dopaminergic neurons that.

- Jag är mycket glad över bidraget. Speaker : Professor Malin Parmar (Lund University ) Venue: Sherrington Building, off Parks Road OX1 3PT Venue Details: Sherrington Library, 2nd floor (note main door closes at 4pm). Organiser: Dr Serena Cerritelli (Department of Physiology, Anatomy & Genetics, University of Oxford) Hosts: TBA Malin Parmar, PhD. Professor at Lund University, Sweden 2016 NYSCF – Robertson Stem Cell Investigator. PhD, Lund University, Sweden.

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Gruppen leds av professor Malin Parmar och består av både forskande och teknisk personal. Verksamheten är lokaliserad på Biomedicinskt centrum i Lund. Malin Persson Giolito sedan han flyttade in där. Hennes gamla professor hade i alla fall förberett sig ordentligt inför deras möte.

View all. Rickard SandbergProfessor, Karolinska InstitutetVerified email at email at Malin ParmarLund UniversityVerified email at

Malin Parmar. Professor, New York Stem Cell Foundation - Robertson Investigator Email: Malin [dot] Parmar [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se Telephone: Tel: +46 46 222 06 20 Professor Malin Parmar is one of the faculty’s successful researchers who has published many research articles and been awarded major grants from the EU, the Swedish Research Council, and others. – If the infrastructure I need hadn’t been available or possible to create, I would have moved where it was. Malin Parmar, PhD About Malin Parmar, PhD Malin Parmar is currently a full Professor in cellular neuroscience at the medical faculty, Lund University and a New York Stem Cell Foundation Robertson Investigator.

Professor malin parmar

Professor Malin Parmar studies cell fate specification in the developing brain and in human neural progenitor cells by direct, efficient and controlled differentiation of human stem cells into subtype-specific neurons.

Professor malin parmar

Malin Parmar, professor inom regenerativ neurobiologi, ska spruta in stamceller i patienter med Parkinsons sjukdom.

Vid Parkinsons sjukdom dör de celler i hjärnan som tillverkar signalsubstansen dopamin. Professor Malin Parmar vid Lunds universitet har forskat på stamceller länge . Nu arbetar hennes grupp och andra grupper i världen… Läs mer  Fredrik Nilsson är doktorand vid Lunds universitet i gruppen ”Utvecklings- och regenerativ neurobiologi” som leds av Professor Malin Parmar. För att reda ut frågan har vi bjudit in Malin Parmar, som är professor i cellulär neurovetenskap vid Lunds universitet och som forskar på olika möjligheter att  Opponent: Professor Malin Parmar Department of Developmental and Regenerative Neurobiology, Lund University.
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Professor Malin Parmar from Lund University represented an academic collaboration with big pharma. Novo Nordisk is very clear about their desire to work with academics who want to be academics. The relationship with Malin’s pluripotent cell derived cellular therapy for Parkinson’s disease is a great example of this. Professor Malin Parmar och Dr. Mattias Magnusson.

Stem Cells, no Longer Lost in Translation Malin Parmar, Professor, Lund University. Establishment  Malin Parmar, Professor, Developmental and Regenerative Neurobiology, Lund. University, co-coordinator and partner in H2020 project NSC-Reconstruct.
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Dr. Parmar is a Professor in the Cellular Neuroscience Department at Lund University, Sweden, where she is focusing on bringing new cell-based therapies for Parkinson’s disease to the clinic by replacing lost dopamine neurons with new, healthy cells.

1Department of Experimental Medical Science,  Malin Parmar, docent i neurobiologi vid Lunds universitet. Parkinsons sjukdom Åsa Nilsonne, sakkunnig i Smer, professor i medicinsk psykologi och författare.