Atlas of SDGs 2020. Nov 16, 2020. The 2020 Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals: Stories and insights through innovative visuals. Nov 16, 2020. RECENTLY UPDATED DATASETS


8 mars 2019 · 8 sidor · 2 MB — the global economy keeps expanding. Table A. Economic growth is projected to remain robust. Source: OECD Economic Outlook 104 database 

Declaration transmitted by the Permanent Delegation of Sweden to the OECD and UNESCO, Source : Treaty Office on - * Disclaimer​. Deltagande i internationellt samarbete inom OECD/NEA:s Nuclear Science user friendliness, source code structure and supporting experimental database. Källa: World bank, OECD traditionell handelsdata. Med det 8 OECD, Service value added embodied in gross export by source country as % of gross exports.

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Declaration transmitted by the Permanent Delegation of Sweden to the OECD and UNESCO, Source : Treaty Office on - * Disclaimer​. Deltagande i internationellt samarbete inom OECD/NEA:s Nuclear Science user friendliness, source code structure and supporting experimental database. Källa: World bank, OECD traditionell handelsdata. Med det 8 OECD, Service value added embodied in gross export by source country as % of gross exports. Analysen av investeringsnivån bygger på tre slags data: ▫ OECD. http://www.​

World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files. License : CC BY-4.0. LineBarMap. Share Details. Label. 1980 2000 0.00 6.16k 

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Source oecd database

The World Economic Outlook (WEO) database is created during the biannual WEO exercise, which begins in January and June of each year and results in the April and September/October WEO publication. Selected series from the publication are available in a database format. See also, the World Economic Outlook Reports . Sort results by date.

Source oecd database

Source database Aggregate National Accounts, SNA 2008 (or SNA 1993): Gross domestic product Database OECD National Accounts Statistics Data warehouse Database OECD.Stat OECD.Stat enables users to search for and extract data from across OECD’s many databases. Electricity generation is defined as electricity generated from fossil fuels, nuclear power plants, hydro power plants (excluding pumped storage), geothermal systems, solar panels, biofuels, wind, etc. It includes electricity produced in electricity-only plants and in combined heat and power plants.

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The OECD fiscal decentralisation database provides comparative information on the following indicators analysed by level of government sector, (Federal or Central, including Social Security, State/Regional and Local) for OECD member countries between 1965 and 2016.

The ranked volumes  av J Ruist · 2014 · Citerat av 19 — 2 Source: The Guardian: database contains individual-level information from different public registers Notes: Data source:
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av S Alm · 2020 · Citerat av 19 — Since country of origin and poverty risks are correlated, we distinguish between OECD have such data, but only for 2001 and onwards.

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