Michael Weber. Prof. Dr. Michael Weber. Scientist. Geophysical Imaging. Albert- Einstein-Straße 42-46. Building A 42, Room 304. 14473 Potsdam. +49 331 288-  


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4334 17 0. Prof. M. P. Gupta Modi Foundation Chair Professor (Ph.D., IIT/D) Modi Foundation Chair Professor. Head of Department from 2016 to 2019. Area of Interest: Information Systems and ICT Policy. Email: mpgupta@dms.iitd.ac.in Phone: 91-11-26591173 & +91-9811027530 (M) IELTS with Prof.

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Sutanu), Nikita Moghe (with Prof. Ravindran), Suman Banerjee (Best MS Thesis Award, INAE Innovative Students Project Award 2020 - Masters Level ), Shweta Bhardwaj, Pritha # Analysis of Unsaturated Flow in Soils: Numerical Modelling and Applications (K. S. Hari Prasad, 1996 - Joint guidance with Prof.
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ProFM . ProFM is the most current, relevant, and universally-applicable credential in facility management. This credential elevates the FM profession and advances the careers of facility professionals by broadening skills, updating knowledge and providing recognition for the achievement of this global standard.

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