Because of some specific OU and Computer Name requirements we We're not disjoining machines or otherwise removing the AD object 


Aadress: Pirni tn 7 Tallinn Harjumaa 10621. Vaata tasuta firma omanikke, juhatust, seotud ettevõtteid, b-kaarti, maksuvõlgu.

SOFTWERK OÜ | 54 followers on LinkedIn. Personality | Commitment | Quality | Softwerk provides consulting in following areas: finance, logistics, wholesale, retail Softwerk OÜ, Tallinn, Estonia. 86 likes. Softwerk OÜ is a business software implementation and development company, which is located in Tallinn, Estonia. SOFTWERK OÜ: Tegevuslugu 21.01.2021 SOFTWERK OÜ alustas peaaegu 9 aastat tagasi, mil juhatuse liige K. G. selle asutas, kes alles alustas ettevõtlusega.SOFTWERK OÜ valdkond on arvutialased konsultatsioonid. Samas valdkonnas (EMTAK 62021) on tegutsevaid ettevõtteid 2021 aasta seisuga kokku 1611 tükki, kes annavad tööd kokku 3553-le softwerk oÜ Mar 2020 - Present 1 year 1 month Developing a budget and project planning web application for Estonian Defence Forces using React, Redux, SASS and Cypress. SOFTWERK OÜ alustas peaaegu 9 aastat tagasi, mil juhatuse liige K. G. selle asutas, kes alles alustas ettevõtlusega.SOFTWERK OÜ SOFTWERK OÜ: Sünnilugu 13.01.2021 Tallinna linna kandis toimetav ettevõte, SOFTWERK OÜ sündis 9 aastat tagasi, veel masu ajal ja pikalt mõtlemata alustati äritegevusega mis kestab Softwerk OÜ. Registrikood: 12250191.

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SOFTWERK OÜ ´le. Logi sisse / Registreeru > Softwerk OÜ • Tallinn. SMB. Analyst. Analyst. K. Kristjan Gerndorf. CEO. Pakume Sulle täielikku vastutust ja sellega kaasnevat vabadust. Tagame kõik, mida vajad ja soovid enesearenguks.

Softwerk AB is a consulting company that offers software development services. Backend - The part of a website or software program that users do not see or 

86 likes. Softwerk OÜ is a business software implementation and development company, which is located in Tallinn, Estonia. SOFTWERK OÜ | 54 followers on LinkedIn.

Softwerk oü

Softwerk AB is a consulting company that offers software development services. Backend - The part of a website or software program that users do not see or 

Softwerk oü

The net sales for 2019 were 1 590 226 euros. The net sales of SOFTWERK OÜ have increased compared to 2018. The profit margin for 2019 is 14,03 %. It has decreased compared to 2018.

Report this profile About Experienced Financial Specialist with a demonstrated history of working in the Successfully leading and managing multiple customer-facing Agile software developing projects simultaneously. Coordinating and leading the activities of Scrum teams, including facilitating Scrum ceremonies such as daily stand ups, grooming sessions etc. Utilizing team feedback, retrospectives and metrics to identify areas of opportunity and work with the team to continuously improve. View Tetyana Jõgi’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Tetyana has 4 jobs listed on their profile.
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The number of employees in the company in 2019 was 20.

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Softwerk 1 ledig tjänst: Mälardalens högskola och Örebro universitet nu en webbplats för gemensam 

Report this profile About In short, I value a good personality over qualifications and skills. As I think skills and tools can be learned but attitude is hard to come by. Activity Awesome Alusta vestlust ja saada sõnum.