Preview, buy, and download songs from the album Radi-Aid - Single, including "Radi-Aid." Buy the album for $0.99. Songs start at $0.99.


Radi-Aid: Charity spoof asks Africa to send radiators to Norway This hilarious spoof of African aid efforts also makes some serious points about the perils of stereotyping an entire continent.

8. THANK YOU to everyone who have followed us during these eight years of Radi-Aid! The goal with Radi-Aid has always been to challenge the perceptions around issues of poverty and development, to change the way fundraising campaigns communicate, and to break down dominating stereotypical representations. Radi-Aid. 25,604 likes · 5 talking about this.

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The video clearly hit a nerve, and is at this point viewed over 3,4 million times on YouTube. 2013-10-08 Spread some warmth this Christmas! Join Breezy V and say YES to RADI-AID! For more information go to -New video from the team behind The Radi-Aid web site explains the point of its absurdist parody video and campaign: Imagine if every person in Africa saw the “Africa for Norway” video and this was the only information they ever got about Norway.

2014-02-28 · In this “campaign” to provide Norway with radiators, the African nonprofit “Africa for Norway” strikes back at fundraising stereotypes of Africa. A group of South African students and an aid agency in Norway are challenging the stereotypical image of Africa as a continent overturned with war, AIDS, corruption, violence, poverty and starvation needing rescue from developed countries.

Aid is just one part of a bigger picture; we must have cooperation and investments, and change other structures that hold back development in poorer countries. Aid is not the only answer. Radi-Aid: Africa for Norway Radi-Aid. 25,612 likes · 5 talking about this.

Radi aid africa for norway

21 Nov 2012 A video by the Norwegian Students' and Academics' International Fund warmth ” over to poor Norway, via a fictional program called Radi-Aid.

Radi aid africa for norway

2012 Voici la parodie à ne pas louper sur le Net : Radi-Aid, Africa for Norway, met en scène des Africains se mobilisant pour envoyer de vieux  Radi-Aid is an annual campaign created by the Norwegian Students’ & Academics’ International Assistance Fund (SAIH). The goal with Radi-Aid IS TO challenge the perceptions around issues of poverty and development, to change the way fundraising campaigns communicate, and to break down dominating stereotypes.

Spread some warmth this Christmas! Join Breezy V and say YES to RADI-AID! For more information go to video from the team behind Africa for Norway and the RADI-AID campaign, join us to spread a message of warmth and love this Christmas!
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Produced by Devin Carter. Radi-Aid. 25,624 likes · 4 talking about this.

Seit fünf Jahren prämiert Radi-Aid das  There's heat enough for Norway, if Africans would share!” featuring compelling images of African 'aid workers' from an organisation called Radi-Aid, handing  26 nov. 2012 découdre avec le froid hivernal, une intéressante campagne d'aide humanitaire a été mise sur pied en Afrique: Radi-Aid: Africa for Norway. 25 Dec 2017 film in which hunger and poverty are shown with clichés of African children or a .
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Director: Radi-Aid | Countries of production: Norway | Year: 2012 | Length: 4 min Africa For Norway challenges stereotypes exploited for fundraising purposes, 

To that end, the spoof Radi-Aid website has a very real manifesto: 1.