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Numerous military skills translation tools have been made available over the years, but now Google has stepped up, offering veterans the opportunity to seamlessly match their skills with new jobs.

How to use this tool: Select  Translate your military training into a career with the Red Cross. By joining the Red Cross, veterans will be able to apply their hard-earned skills while continuing  Search for careers that match your military job View listing of related civilian careers & available jobs Get detailed occupation profiles, including wage data,  Real jobs from real companies. Updated daily. Site content and military skills translator provided by DirectEmployers, an ExxonMobil partner.

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Looking to hire a veteran? The Military-to-Civilian Occupation Translator shows you the military jobs that share skills and training with your civilian positions.

Military job translator

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Military Skills Translator - Apply for jobs that match your skills, identify civilian terminology for your resume, hot career options for your specialty. This tool will help you find the civilian job titles best for your skills. It covers the Marines, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Navy. Just enter your military job title, MOS, or MOC below.