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3 Dec 2019 The Canadian patent database maintained by Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) in English or French. Search by keyword, patent 

Advertisement By: Stephanie Crawford Have you ever had an idea for some gadget to make life easier and wondered if it had been in How to find a patent by searching for the inventor's name. You will need the persons first and last name. Searching for inventors by their names can be fun. Who knows if someone you've heard of invented something you never knew about? Unfor What you find may dash your feelings of originality, but it can also be a roadmap for how to see your idea come onto the market. When you have an idea for a new product, the first thing you should do is your homework. You need to study the Everything you need to know about protecting your invention and whether you need to file a patent.

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moms. LIST OF CONTENTS General Part 1. Preliminary remarks 2. Explanatory notes 3. General remarks 4.

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Title Abstract Complete Specification Application Number Publication Number Patent Number Applicant Name Applicant Country Applicant Address Inventor Name Inventor Country Inventor Address Filing office International Patent Classification (IPC) Note: This search will only return patents that are published. Please enter one of the following in the box below and click 'View Patent' to display the register sheet. Patent/Utility Model Classification Search (PMGS) (External Link) Note If the Japanese page appears when you click or tap on the external link, please click or tap on the “English” button in the upper right corner of J-PlatPat to display the English page.
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Established in 1999, Wisdomain specializes in patent mining solutions that enable IP professionals to search, query and analyze worldwide technology sectors 

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